Sun 15 - Sat 21 November 2020 Online Conference
Fri 20 Nov 2020 13:00 - 13:50 at SPLASH-VI - Slot 4 Chair(s): Chengsong Tan

In the world of science, your thought is what matters. Your ideas that you work on, which you investigate, question, validate, and maybe even prove. This is your research and this is what you publish about. In an ideal world, this would be enough for you to receive the recognition you deserve and be invited to more prestigious positions. However, it is only the necessary requirement in the process. Much of our society — and the scientific community is no exception but in fact a poster example — has become an economy of attention… of visibility. It is not only necessary to do great work, it is also necessary to “beat the drums” so other people feel compelled to devote some of their attention to your work. In my talk, I will show you that this may be actually true using some examples from my limited experiments involving observations only from my point of view (so n=1 and your mileage may differ) and myself. Furthermore, we will discuss what you can do to attract attention and receive the visibility you deserve for your work. For this, I will add examples of brilliant and not-so-brilliant science communication done be me and other people. This means we will also talk about the abyss of trumpism-filled tweeting and the points where you should actually leave communication to the professionals. In the end you will probably have a large to-do list for the time after the conference.

Fri 20 Nov

Displayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change

13:00 - 14:20
Slot 4Doctoral Symposium at SPLASH-VI
Chair(s): Chengsong Tan King's College London
Self-Marketing as a Researcher [Invited Talk]supported by Facebook
Doctoral Symposium
Ben Hermann Technical University Dortmund
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