Sun 15 - Sat 21 November 2020 Online Conference
Tue 17 Nov 2020 11:40 - 12:20 at SPLASH-V - Invited Talk + Paper Chair(s): Juan Fumero

This paper is intended at showing how programming embedded systems can increase in safety and compositionality with the use of high-level abstractions. Firstly, we provide an hardware abstraction layer through a virtual machine approach that enables the use of a high-level programming language. We describe our dedicated OCaml virtual machine that enable the development of richer programs for microcontrollers using advanced programming paradigms. Secondly, we introduce an original use of OCaml parameterized modules for describing the electronic circuit connected to the microcontroller, as well as the communication between this device and its environment. Thirdly, the extensibility of OCaml offers a way to easily describe the concurrent aspects of a program by implementing a synchronous dataflow extension to the language. We apply the presented abstractions to both entertainment applications and embedded software examples, showing how they increase expressivity and safety of our programs, while keeping their memory footprint low enough to be runnable on devices with very scarce resources.

Tue 17 Nov

Displayed time zone: Central Time (US & Canada) change

11:00 - 12:20
Invited Talk + PaperVMIL at SPLASH-V
Chair(s): Juan Fumero University of Manchester, UK
  • Central Standard Time (11:00 am - 12:00 pm) Understanding the Graal IR
  • Central Standard Time (12:00 - 12:30 pm) Programming Microcontrollers through High-Level Abstractions
Understanding Graal IR
K: Chris Seaton Shopify
Programming Microcontrollers through High-Level Abstractions
Steven Varoumas Sorbonne University — LIP6, Basile Pesin Inria Paris, Benoît Vaugon , Emmanuel Chailloux UPMC, France