Sun 15 - Sat 21 November 2020 Online Conference
Talia Ringer

Registered user since Wed 28 Jun 2017

Name:Talia Ringer

Talia Ringer is a PhD candidate in programming languages at University of Washington. Her main interest is in making program verification using interactive theorem provers more accessible through better proof engineering tools and practices, especially when it comes to maintaining proofs as programs change over time. Her vision is a future of verification that is accessible to all programmers, not just to experts. She believes that this will help make software more reliable and secure. In addition to her own contributions to this end, she has authored a 120-page survey of proof engineering. Prior to graduate school, she earned her bachelor’s in mathematics and computer science from University of Maryland, then worked at Amazon as a software engineer for three years. She is an NSF GRFP fellow, a P.E.O. fellow, and a contributor to the Coq interactive theorem prover. She is active in advising, mentorship, service, and outreach. She is currently applying for faculty positions.

Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Washington
Personal website: https://dependenttyp.es
Research interests:Verification, Proof Engineering, Dependent Type Theory


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