SPLASH 2020 (series) / Mihaela Sighireanu

Registered user since Thu 18 May 2017
Name:Mihaela Sighireanu
I’m professor at ENS Paris-Saclay and member of the LSV laboratory. Before, I’ve was associate professor at (University of Paris](https://u-paris.fr) and member of the verification team in the research institute IRIF. I’ve obtained my PhD from University of Grenoble under the supervision of Hubert Garavel. I’ve previously worked at Verimag during my Master thesis and at INRIA during my postdoc .
Affiliation:LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay
Personal website: https://www.lsv.fr/~sighireanu
Research interests:Formal Methods, Programing, Static Analysis
Static Analysis Symposium
- Session Chair of 6 (part of SAS)
- Session Chair of 6 (part of SAS)
- Session Chair of 10 (part of SAS)
- Co-chair in Program Committee within the SAS-track
- Session Chair of 7 (part of SAS)
- Session Chair of 2 (part of SAS)
- General Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Committee Member in Organizing Committee within the SAS-track
SPLASH 2020-profile
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