Sun 15 - Sat 21 November 2020 Online Conference
Felienne Hermans

Registered user since Wed 17 Feb 2016

Name:Felienne Hermans

Felienne is associate professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science at Leiden University, where she heads the Programming Education Research Lab (PERL). Felienne’s work focuses on the question how to best teach programming to kids and students, investigating misconceptions, didactic strategies and programming environments. Felienne is a co-editor of the ACM journal Transactions on Computing Education, and a host at the IEEE podcast SE Radio, one of the most popular software engineering podcasts on the web. She writes a monthly column for Dutch IT magazine AG Connect and she ran the Joy of Coding conference for 6 years. When she is not coding, blogging or teaching, she is probably knitting, running or playing a (board)game.

Felienne blogs at felienne.com

Affiliation:Leiden University
Personal website: http://www.felienne.com


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