Registered user since Tue 6 Aug 2019
Daniel Jesús Muñoz Guerra is a Computer Science Engineer (2015) from the Universidad de Málaga (UMA). During those studies he had received a 10-months Erasmus Studies scholarship at the Politechnika Wroclawska (2011). He is currently a PhD student in Information Technology at the University of Malaga. His studies are complemented with a MSc in Astronomy and Astrophysics (2017) at the Valencian International University (VIU), whose dissertation is focused on Astronomical Instrumentation and Efficiency of HARPS Telescopes.
He was a research fellow in 2014 in a High-Performance Web-Mobile Hybrid project, and after a few years as a freelance, he has joined GISUM / CAOSD as a researcher (since Oct. 2016). He has completed a 4-month stay (2017) at the University of Bristol (UK); he is fulfilling another stay int the University of Texas in Austin (USA) till the end of 2018. The actual stay is an excellence award of the IMFAHE foundation (University of Harvard). Also, the IMFAHE foundation is funding the research and industrial project he is leading; blockchain technology applied to public and private healthcare users. Also, two publications in JCR Q1 and Q2, and a best student paper award, among several publications, obtained in two years of PhD., proof the important outcomes of his research.
Currently his research is focused on Energy Efficiency, Software Product Lines, Servers, Web and Mobile Programming, Embedded Systems, IoT and Blockchain. His objectives, besides academia and his thesis, involve expanding the international collaborations network of the group, increasing the general interest of energy efficiency in the community, increasing the interest of students and companies for research, and the specification and development of services with social and/or business impact.
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